Pizza Social and IEEE Orientation
Sept 12 – Pizza Social and IEEE Orientation
Pizza Social and Orientation
Pizza Social and IEEE Orientation September 12th 2013 Join us in Nolan for a Pizza Social! We will talk about IEEE and what we will be doing this year!
IEEE Meeting w/ Pizza
IEEE Meeting w/ Pizza Join us October 23, 2013 in Nolan for pizza and IEEE General Meeting at 12:15pm
Middle-High School Students Discovers Engineering

The Christian Brothers University School of Engineering held a series of Middle School and High School workshops to promote the importance of engineering in the world and encourage college-bound students to pursue a career in engineering. IEEE@CBU members supported the program by assisting the CBU professors in teaching the students in workshops such as building […]
S-PAC ’09 Planning Committee
Hello all, This past Tuesday, November 25, IEEE@CBU had our first S-PAC conjunction meeting along with students from Arkansas State University and Union University via Skype. Facilitating this meeting was the 2009 S-PAC Chair, Boris de Souza. Students from Union University and Arkansas State University were very excited to help plan the 2nd annual Student-Professional […]
Picnic Under The Sun

The IEEE 2008 Fall Picnic this past beautiful Sunday was one to remember. It was held in front of Christian Brothers University’s new science building, Cooper-Wilson Science Center. The picnic drew a crowd of approximately 40-50 professionals, students, family members and friends. Manning the grill was our IEEE Student Chapter Advisor, Dr. John Ventura and […]