2015-2016 Officer Election Results

Officer election results: Chair: Trey McGinnis Vice Chair: Melissa Dollar Secretary and Webmaster: Brian McGinnis Treasurer: Kate Bollinger

2015-2016 Officer Elections

Officer elections will be held Thursday, Feb. 12th 2015 in Nolan. Room: IEEE Room. Positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary

S-PAVe: Interviewing Workshop 2014 Results

S-PAVe occurred Saturday, December 6. Mike Zurkamer of CT Groups did a wonderful job in his presentation of Interviewing Skills workshop and the group interviews gave valuable experience to the participating students. Thanks to everyone who came by!

S-PAC 2014 Results

S-PAC 2014 occurred Friday, November 21 in the KROC center. IBM’s Dr. Ben Amaba spoke on the topic of “The Practice of Innovation”. AT&T’s Maria Lensing spoke on the topic of “How to Define Yourself”. Both were highly inspirational and gave the students and professionals who attended the event plenty to think about as they talked over dinner.

IEEExtreme 8.0 Results

We had a lot of fun participating in the IEEExtreme 8.0 competitions this year! We had food, fun, games and we even painted the campus rock! Check out the photo gallery of this event!

General Information Meeting 2014

We are encouraging all freshman and sophomores in Electrical Engineering to come to the IEEE info session Tuesday, September 23rd @ 12:20PM. Pizza and drinks will be provided.

IEEE SoutheastCon 2014

SouthEastCon 2014 occurred Thursday March 13 through Sunday March 16 in Lexington, Kentucky.

2014-2015 Officer Elections

Officer elections will be held Tuesday, April 22 2014 in Nolan. Room TBA. Positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Activities Chair