The CBU Student section of IEEE is once again hosting a Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC). This year we have invited Ian Borbolla and Justin McCann, P.E., to hold presentations on “Professional Development and Developing the Professional”, and “Teaching and Technology: A Testimony on Team Building” respectively. These men have many years of experience in the engineering world, and will have very insightful presentations. There will be a panel discussion for each presentation, plenty of networking opportunities, and not to forget food! Any Professionals that attend will also receive two Professional Development Hours (PDHs). S-PAC is designed to help students in STEM majors meet and network with professionals who are in STEM related fields.
S-PAC 2017 will be held on Friday, November 17th at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception’s Marian Hall. Registration starts at 4:00. Dinner will be served at 5:50. The cost to register is $30 for professionals and FREE for students. For more information and registration, please visit spac.ieeecbu.org.
If you or your company or you know of someone who would be interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Brian McGinnis, our benevolent IEEE Chair.
IEEE hopes to see you there!