IEEE Meeting
Binh: introductions and welcoming statements.
Potential promotional video for the summer.
a) Touring campus and robotics lab.
I. Medtronic tour through private museum hosted by Univ of Memphis
a) Sign up with Russel ahead of time.
II. S-PAC- Russel
Sponsorship committee must be gathered before September to contact companies
and send out letters during summer.
a) Stan Olsen (senior vice president for MedTronic/U of M student) Speaker
for S-PAC
b) CBU needs 2 speakers for SPAC
c) Summer meetings – need dates.
d) S-PAC gold/silver sponsorship requirements must be determined.
III. Robotics
U of M and CBU will be competing in a preliminary Robotics competition Feb. 27
a) Potentially will invite other schools and high schoolers to watch and
MAYBE compete.
b) Tony volunteers to begin working on robot so we can begin robotics
competition early.
c) Boris: Concern that robot ideas could be stolen before Southeast Con in
e) Rules regarding competition will come out around August or Sept.
f) Can have multiple teams, but there is a team limit.
IV. Club Budgeting
I. Must turn in an intent to spend list including intended events, with basic prices.
a) Begin working on a very clean schedule to ensure budget is met.
b) Binh must turn in form for IEEE
V. Second Life
I. Receive a villa for runner up in national website competition: 7th place. Given an
island on IEEE island.
a) Certain universities have a campus that uses second life, could be interesting to use it just to see what it’s like.
b) Would be a community of IEEE international clubs.
c) May 12th is other date to meet Nolan 240.
d) Go online, register for an avatar
VI. Engineers Without Borders
a) Amanda: in search of potential new officers for EWB
b) MERTS program takes students to Uganda and Brazil every year, and if an
EWB project was founded there would be potential to take students with them.
c) There are 2 EWB projects in Uganda now.
d) An annual $400 fee was main problem for club, and Dean Welch said he
could not put forth that monetary support, however if we could find a
project it is possible that the money could be found.
VII. Miscellaneous:
-Meet 05/01/09 at 1:45 to fill out form for extra $1000.00
-S-PAC May 5th at 8:00 AM. Students need to be there as we have a speaker.
a) You may attend any conferences if you are registered, but if you want to have lunch, you need to see Dr. Ventura.