SoutheastCon 2014 Meeting

A meeting will be held Thursday, February 13, 12:15pm – 1:15pm in Nolan for those who are interested in attending SoutheastCon 2014 this year.
ECE Senior Project Presentations 2014
ECE Senior Project Presentations Feburary 8th 2014 in Various rooms at CBU. Check Schedule.
IEEEXtreme 7.0 Results
IEEEXtreme 7.0 Results for CBU
Pizza Social and IEEE Introduction
Pizza Social and IEEE Introduction Feburary 13th 2014 Join us in Nolan for a Pizza Social! We will talk about upcomming events in IEEE
Month of Zen 2013 Results
Month of Zen 2013 was successful. Around 15 devices were repaired and IEEE CBU received $60 in donations.
IEEE Christmas Party 2013
IEEE Christmas Party December 5th 2013 at 12:15pm Join us in Nolan for our Christmas Party this year! There will be food, drinks, and fun!
Group Dinner at Young Avenue Deli
Join us November 23, 2013 for a friendly dinner at Young Avenue Deli in Midtown at 5:30pm!
Meeting 10/23/2013
—— IEEE Meeting Oct. 23 2013 —— SPAC is very close Still need more volunteers for SPAC We need a bigger presence among freshman EE's to get them interested in joining IEEE Considering talking to freshman class professors to give IEEE presentation at the beginning of their classes Nick, Jonas, and Leonardo will be […]
CBU Trick-Arrgg-Treat
Join in the Halloween fun with CBU Trick-Arrg-Treat October 31st in the quad.
Space Center Tour
Space Center Tour Meet at CBU at 9:00am on October 11th 2013