First Lego League Workshop

The First Lego League (FLL) workshop was again a success this past Saturday, March 1, 2014.
IEEE Fish Fry 2014
IEEE Fish Fry 2014 Join us March 20th 2013 at 12:00 outside of Nolan in the field for a cookout! All are welcome!
2014-2015 Officer Elections
Officer elections will be held Tuesday, April 22 2014 in Nolan. Room TBA. Positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Activities Chair
Like us on Facebook!
We now have an active Facebook page! Like us on Facebook to get updates when we make changes to the website!
We currently have 37 likes! Invite your friends!
Follow us on Twitter!
We are now active on Twitter again! Follow us on Twitter to get updates when we make changes to the website!
IEEE SoutheastCon 2014
IEEE SoutheastCon 2014 takes place at Lexington, KY March 13th to 16th Link to Website
Meeting 2/13/2014
—— IEEE Meeting Feb. 13 2014 —— SouthEast Con Introduction to SouthEast Con Possible competitions to sign-up for REALLY need people for Tshirt competition (Preferably freshman or sophomore) We still have room for a 3-person software team IEEExtreme Results 1 Finish in top 1,000 Internationally (Josh, Brennan, Nick) 1 Finish in top 250 […]
Group Dinner at Huey’s
Join us Feburary 22, 2013 for a friendly dinner at Huey’s in Midtown on Madison Avenue!
Meeting 2/10/2014
—— Officers Meeting Feb. 10 2014 —— SouthEast Con is right around the corner IEEExtreme 6.0 results (Will be revealed at meeting on Thursday) Elections (Anyone interested in joining should email Nick) A social needs to be planned by Nick and Jonas to attract freshman and sophomores SouthEast Con Website – Patrick Tshirt […]
TSPE Banquet 2014
TSPE Banquet Feburary 20th 2014