Meeting 8/27/2009

IEEE Meeting Minutes

This meeting discusses our plans for this semester. As we all know, there will be a new President this school year. We will discuss ideas for the inauguration.

I.    Events for this semester:

a)    Dean Welch’s Proposed IPhone/IPOD Seminar
1.    Will be used as a tech seminar

b)    SGA hours request for new President’s inauguration (early October) ideas:
1.    Working for orphan school
2.    High school robotics team assistance
a)    Time considerations
3.    Throw a Christmas Party for Dream Academy
4.    Teach courses for Dual Enrollment
a)    Would have to learn “Scratch”
5.     Cure For Kids (St. Jude) (Need to speak to Yuri)
c) Activation Issues
1. Need to establish committees
2. Organizational Introduction meeting early September

d) General meeting for IEEE members September 10th 12:30
    1. Thursdays at 12:30 officer’s meetings
    2. Assign committees- enables people to network
    3. Dr. Ventura: order pizza, reserve room
e) Potential Committee List
    1. Competition
    2. Tech Seminar – watches for emails etc
    3. Membership – maintains running list of members, emails, etc.
    4. Communications Chair- putting up flyers and keeping people                           informed.

    d) Resume Workshop by local branch
 1.  October 15, 6:00 PM Montesi
    e) EXCOM- Friday Sept 18th in Sabbatini 11:30 AM

II. Pirate Radio:
    a) License coordinator (create a playlist then ensure it’s within license)
        1. Extra charge to broadcast over the internet?

    b) Brother Ken says if we get enough requests, surveys, and data to justify it,
     may potentially move up.

    c)  Should have IEEE member as Program and Operations manager.

    d) Preemptive solutions:
        1. Pre-recorded shows
        2. Need small radio behavior contract.

    e) Meeting:
        1. Briefly discuss positions
        2. Fill out applications
        3. Interview/audition DJs

    f) Prototype run:
        1. Broadcast just to try it out
        2. Find easiest way to pre record
        3. Use flash drive AVI file to transfer music.
        4. Survey people
    g) Sign Up Sheet
        1. Email students: (Tues) remind of format
        2, Have them listen to the Beta Version and take survey

NEXT MEETING: 3 September 12:30
Upcoming Events:
-Meeting with Yuri:
-President’s inauguration: early October
-Officers’ meetings: 3 September 12:30
-Pirate Radio Meeting: 3 September 12:30
-General meeting for IEEE members: 10 September 12:30 PM
– EXCOM meeting: 18 Sept 11:30 AM
-Resume Writing Workshop: 15 October 6:00 PM